A Fighter's Desire Page 4
“Are you interested in any of them?” I asked, knowing very well she was. She never told me his name, and always seemed to change the subject when I’d ask. However, by the way she blushed at the mention of Tyler, I had a feeling it was him.
Quickly, Gabriella shook her head. “No, I’m not interested in any of them. Besides, tonight isn’t all about me, it’s about you. We finished our exams and it’s time to celebrate. I want you to put all thoughts of classes aside and have some fun. Promise me!”
She stared at me with those piercing green eyes and never once wavered. No matter what I did, I knew she wouldn’t give up until I promised. Holding my hands up in defeat, I chuckled and said, “Okay, I promise. Although, I’m starting to think I’m going to regret this.”
Gabriella smirked. “Oh, believe me, you’ll enjoy every minute of it. I say we get wild and crazy tonight.”
Get a few drinks in me and I’ll be good to go.
“Done,” I complied with a smile.
The lights flashed and the music blared as fighter after fighter entered the ring, round after round, and fought their way to the top. I cringed when one time I heard the audible snap of a guy getting his arm broken because he wouldn’t tap out when the other had him in a ridiculously tight hold.
There was a ton of blood, sweat, and tears as each fighter pounded on the other. It was a brutal sport, but the excitement was exhilarating.
After watching the first set of fights, ranging from the Flyweight to Welterweight, it was soon time for the Middleweight, Light Heavyweight, and the Heavyweight fighters to go on. The announcer entered the ring with his crisp black tux and slicked back gray hair, holding the microphone up to his lips.
He waved at the crowd, and his enigmatic voice boomed through the speakers, “Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for our Middleweight division. I’m sure you all know what that means, right?”
The crowd exploded in cheers, as did Gabriella, who almost burst my left ear drum with her screams. Grin spreading wider, the announcer nodded his head and chuckled. “That’s right, everyone. The Twins of Terror have entered the building and they’re coming to wreak havoc. Fighting first tonight is RYLEY ‘THE RAMPAGE’ JAAMMMEEESSOONNNN! Come on out!”
I covered my ears and hoped the ringing would stop as the ladies behind me screamed louder than the whole arena put together. Great, I’ll probably go deaf by the time I’m thirty. The lights dimmed for a second, but suddenly the room exploded in swiveling multi-colored lights and the song “The Pride” by Five Finger Death Punch, blaring over the speakers.
Ryley came out with his head down, covered in a royal blue robe, which was open to reveal his white and blue shorts and a set of perfectly conditioned, glistening abs. One lady jumped over the railing and flung herself into his arms, attempting to kiss him, but was quickly hauled off by the security guards.
“Wow, these women are crazy,” I said to Gabriella.
“Yeah, tell me about it. Matt’s told me all about the kinds of women he messed around with after his fights.”
I could only imagine.
When Ryley got up into the ring and took off his robe, he circled around and lifted his hands up arrogantly in the air while the crowd cheered. From his right shoulder, all the way down his arm, were tattoos, along with another one across the top of his back. I loved tattooed men.
Gabriella hollered his name. Almost immediately, he found her in the crowd and smiled; although, not before raking his gaze toward me with a mischievous tilt to his lips.
Nudging me in the side, Gabriella playfully warned, “Uh-oh, Ash, he’s noticed you. I’ve seen that look on him before.”
Biting my lip, I lifted a curious brow, never taking my gaze away from him. “And what exactly does that mean?”
Gabriella put her hand around my arm and squeezed. “It means, my dear friend, that he has his eyes on you. He’ll find you at the party tonight, I’m sure of it.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t know what he hopes to gain by that.”
Gabriella scoffed, “Yes, you do, Ash. You look hot tonight, and any guy in this room, and specifically at the party, will notice you. He’s going to have some competition.”
“Good,” I chuckled. “I don’t want it to be easy for him like I’m sure it is with every other girl he chases.”
While Ryley waited for his opponent to get into the ring, he kept sneaking glances my way, winking at me every time I would meet his gaze. Arrogant bastard. His dark blond hair was gelled into messy spikes, and even though I didn’t want them to … his eyes were what captured me. Even from down in my seat I could tell they were the most beautiful blue I’d ever seen; almost hypnotizing.
Whatever you do, don’t look at his eyes, I hissed at myself, turning my head. They were dangerous.
As soon as the fight began, I couldn’t help but look up at him, at the way his body moved gracefully across the mat. His punches were hard and precise, but what got me more was that he knew he was a god in the ring. I could see it in the arrogant smirk he kept permanently splayed on his face, and by the way he laughed when his opponent would overthrow a punch. He absolutely dominated every single move.
I wonder if he’s like that in the bedroom.
Once down on the mat, his opponent in a vice-like grip, Ryley peered over at me as if he’d heard what I was thinking. His heated gaze made my clit throb, and when I crossed my legs tight, he gave me a knowing smirk. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at anything and everything other than him.
“Are you okay?” Gabriella asked with a glint sparkling in her eye.
Quickly, I waved her off. “Yes, I’m fine. I think I just need a drink. Do you want one?” Or maybe even a cold shower.
Really, I just wanted to get away from the ring and Ryley’s hypnotic blue gaze. Gabriella shook her head, returning her focus to the fight. “No, I’m good. Thank you, though. Just make sure you hurry back.”
Getting up from my seat, I didn’t even look at Ryley in the ring before rushing out of the arena. I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as I was away from the crowd … away from the thunderous cheers that I assumed meant Ryley had finally won. It didn’t surprise me because the other guy hadn’t stood a chance. I had to give it to Ryley, he was a good fighter.
At one of the concession stands, I waited in line and ordered a bottle of water even though I wasn’t really thirsty. Still, I opened it up and took sips of it as I walked around. There weren’t many people since another fight had just started, so I took my time and strolled around, glancing at all of the different merchandising carts.
There were T-shirts with the different fighters, and of course, there were ones with the Twins of Terror on them. It was uncanny how Ryley and Camden looked so much alike.
Fifteen minutes later my phone buzzed in my purse and I cringed. Shit, Gabriella was going to kill me for being away for so long. However, when I looked down at my phone it was a text from an unavailable number.
Hey, it’s Gabriella. Turn to your right and go all the way down the hall until you get to the guard. He’ll let you by. It’s the second door on the left. Just walk on in.
Wait, what? Why wasn’t she still watching the fights?
Feeling a little strange, I did as the text said and walked all the way down to where the guard was stationed by another large door. Beyond that was where the fighters had their separate rooms so that they could get dressed and warm up before the fights.
The guard nodded as I approached and stepped out of the way, allowing me to pass, and when I did it was like I was in another world. Some of the fighters whistled and made suggestive comments as I stood there, looking down at the text one more time.
It said to go to the second door on the left and just walk in. I prayed it wasn’t Gabriella’s brother, trying to persuade her not to go to the party tonight after he’d already said she could.
Ready to defend her if need be, I held my head high and opened the door … only to have my heart thund
er out of my chest at what was in front of me; it sure as hell wasn’t Gabriella’s brother.
There sat Ryley with a smug smile on his face, all bare-chested and glistening in sweat, a white towel wrapped around his shoulders and a bottle of water in his hands. He raked his clear blue eyes up and down my body and I froze, hating that he had that affect on me.
“What the hell?” I snapped. “Where’s Gabriella?”
Picking up his phone, he waved it in the air and sat it back down. “Oh, she’s not here. She’s getting ready to watch her brother fight, but she did give me your number when I asked her for it. Surely you don’t mind, right?”
I crossed my arms at the chest and glared at him. “Actually, I do mind. I don’t do well with tricks, Mr. Jameson. If you wanted to talk to me you should’ve approached me like a normal person instead of being all stalkerish. It’s kind of creepy.”
In a way, it was actually kind of hot, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.
Taken aback, Ryley opened his mouth to speak and then shut it, only to open it again. “Wow, I must say I haven’t had anyone ever say that to me. Most women like my tactics.” Slowly, he got up from the couch and stalked toward me, his gaze curious and heated.
“What do you want?” I asked, taking a step away.
He set his bottle of water down on the small table beside the couch, along with the towel wrapped around his neck, before turning his blue gaze in my direction. “I wanted to see if you would be my date tonight for the party. I figured I would snag you up before Gabriella showed you off to everyone. I don’t want someone else getting to you first.”
“Really? That’s what you called me in here for?” I asked incredulously. He started to take a step forward and I instantly moved back, swallowing hard. “Sorry, but I’m taken.”
When my back hit the wall, I gritted my teeth and took short, shallow breaths as he continued to move closer. My heart pounded relentlessly, especially when he hovered over me and leaned down toward my ear, breathing me in. His bare skin grazed against my chest, making me shiver, and even more so when he moaned in approval, his warm breath tickling my ear. My eyes fluttered shut and I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning in return.
“I don’t like it when people are dishonest with me, Ashleigh. Gabriella already told me you were single and I know she wouldn’t lie to me.”
My eyes snapped open. I am so going to kill her.
“You don’t even know me,” I challenged. “Why do you want me to be your date? You saw me for one second when you were up in the ring. I could be the biggest bitch in the world for all you know.”
“That could be true. If you want the honest truth,” he said, gazing down my body, “I saw you in that red dress and all I could think about was how hot it would be to fuck you in it.”
Holding in my gasp, I tightened my legs together to keep my clit from throbbing out of control. It pissed me off that my body responded to him, but it could also be because he was so close; brushing his heated body against mine, and smelling so amazingly delicious. The wild side of me wanted to tell him to take me right then and there, but the logical side wanted to slap the shit out of him.
“Do you honestly get women by saying stuff like that?” I asked dryly, without a hint of a smile.
His grin grew wider. “Most of the time. So what do you say? Do you want to be my date for the night … the whole night?”
Yes, my mind screamed at me.
“No,” I snapped, making his smug smile disappear. “I’m not one of your little groupies, Ryley, and I sure as hell am not going to beg for your attention like what you’re used to. You need to find someone else. I’m not interested.”
You just lied again, I scolded myself.
Turning on my heel, I headed for the door and opened it, only to be stopped by a hand grasping my arm and the door shutting quickly in front of me. “Don’t you see? I don’t want anyone else. I saw you and you are what I want.”
Laughing, I turned around and yanked my arm out of his hold. “Tell that to someone who’ll believe you, Ryley. I don’t fall that easily, especially for someone who hasn’t had to work for a woman. You’ll have to do much better than that.”
Or else I’m not going to play the game.
BY THE TIME I got back to Gabriella, the fights were over and she was talking to her brother. He had the same dark hair and green eyes as her; however, he was huge, nothing but pure muscle with tattoos all over his body. Definitely an extremely good looking guy, but he was taken by one of the most reputable journalists in all of the country. She was definitely a lucky woman.
“Hey, Ashleigh, what’s up?” he asked as I approached.
While I stood there seething, Gabriella had the gall to look innocent. “Oh, nothing much really, just had a run in with Ryley. It appears your sister has a knack for playing tricks.”
Matt sighed and shook his head, pinning a lethal glare at his sister. “Gabby, you know better than to set her up with him. All he wants is a good time and that’s it.”
“Well, what makes you think that Ashleigh doesn’t want the same thing?” she countered defiantly, her hands on her hips. “Women can use men just as easily as men use them. Besides, the twins need to learn a lesson about humility and Ashleigh is the best candidate. I have full confidence that she’ll put them in their place, or at least one of them.”
I wasn’t as confident as her, especially after my encounter with Ryley. There was something about him that made me nervous; I didn’t know if I could tame him. His brother was more than likely the same way, although I had to admit, it would be kind of fun to try taming one of the Twins of Terror.
“Well,” Matt started, looking over at me, “I agree the twins need to be taken down a notch or two. If you think you can do it, then by all means go for it. However, be forewarned, they’ve been known to break a few hearts.”
“My heart doesn’t break so easily,” I told him honestly. “Besides, I turned him down.”
Shaking her head, Gabriella snorted and put her arm around me. “I don’t know how to tell you this, Ash, but I think you just made one of the biggest mistakes ever. He’s not going to give up on you until he gets what he wants. He doesn’t like to lose.”
Rubbing my hands together, I smiled and bit my lip. “Well then, let the games begin.”
The party for the night happened to be at none other than Ryley and Camden’s house … or at least at one of their homes. They had a couple of them on the California coast, and it just so happened they had one in the Los Angeles area. Must be nice to have a shit ton of money.
My family earned a decent amount, but they were very conservative with it. I honestly didn’t see the point in having six different houses or a garage full of cars; it was a waste of money.
“I wouldn’t go wandering off if I were you,” Gabriella teased. “Otherwise, I might not see you until morning.”
We got out of her little silver sports car and headed up to the door. There were so many people around it was crazy. “You have nothing to worry about. I don’t plan on falling victim to Ryley’s charms tonight.”
Snickering, Gabriella opened the front door and ushered me inside. “That may be true, but I’m curious to know what you would say if both of the twins tried to get you tonight. They do have a habit of sharing things, you know. I’ll admit, if I knew my brother wouldn’t kill them I’d probably let them do whatever they wanted with me for the night.”
“Really? You think they would be that good?” I asked skeptically.
Gabriella scoffed, “Please, from all of the stories I’ve heard, how could they not be.”
I needed to hear those stories. I’d been with only a handful of men, but never two at once. I honestly think I would go insane with just one of them … much less both. I had yet to meet Camden, but if he had the same pair of hypnotic blue eyes as his brother I’d probably give in without a second thought. It may be best I don’t meet him.
Inside of the house, the lights were dim
med while everyone stood around talking, drinking, and dancing as the music blared from all around. As soon as I had some drinks in me, I planned on getting out there and having fun as well.
Over the loud music, Gabriella squealed and pulled on my arm, squeezing us through the crowd. “Oh my God, Ash, he’s here!”
“Who?” I shouted, laughing as she pulled me along.
“It’s Tyler, my brother’s friend.”
By the time we got across the room, my toes throbbed from being trampled on by the drunken dancers, but I sucked it up and kept walking. The last thing I wanted was to look like an idiot hobbling across the floor.
After she shouted out his name, she ran right up to him and he scooped her up into his arms. There was an awkward exchange where they almost looked like they wanted to kiss, but he set her down instead. Interesting. Gabriella ran her hands through his platinum blond hair and pursed her lips. “Now why did you cut your hair? It’s all gone!”
Tyler shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I needed a change. I kind of like it short. Don’t you?”
Gabriella sighed, and then smiled. “Of course I do. You’re still the same Tyler even with shorter hair.” Pulling me to her side, she waved back and forth between us. “I want you to meet my friend, Ashleigh. Ashleigh, this is my friend Tyler. Now you two talk while I get us some drinks.”
Quickly, she scampered off and left us alone, but Tyler filled the awkwardness by extending his hand. “Hey, Ashleigh, it’s nice to meet you. Do you go to school with Gabriella?”
Taking his hand, we both shook firmly and then let go. His eyes were a stormy gray, completely different from any color I’d ever seen; they were mesmerizing.
“I do,” I replied. “I met her in one of our classes a couple of years ago. College life has definitely gotten a lot more exciting with her in it.”
Tyler smiled and finished off his cup of beer. “I don’t doubt that. She’s definitely an interesting female.”
“That she is,” I mumbled.
About that time, Gabriella came back carrying two cups filled with some kind of red liquid. “Hey, I’m sorry it took so long. I kind of got sidetracked.” Narrowing my eyes, she bit her lip and quickly nodded toward another fighter who I knew to be Paxton Emerson.